The Journal of Provincial Thought
jptARCHIVE Iss. 7
luminance Pigasus the JPT flying pig, copyright 2008 Schafer
Sportzit introduction (text)

Tired of same-o same-o reporting, tittle tattle and recycled locker-room gossip on your favorite sports?  Our new publishing venture Sportzit  is a marathon run into the unknown, a home run way out of the ball park of tired clichés, a thrilling last-minute three-pointer in a whole new fieldhouse of athletic miracle-workers.  On the news stands in less than two months, Sportzit will revolutionize your outlook on the games, gamesmen and gameswomen who define the finest in our manly (and womanly) culture.  Your trusty stopwatch will tell you it is time to subscribe NOW!  See details below following our Sportzit Issue One Prospectus.

Copyright 2008- WJ Schafer & WC Smith - All Rights Reserved