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  Pete Branch Memorial Name Repository founded 2008 Assoc. Provincial Thought
          Pigasus the JPT Flying Pig  
Welcome, Considerer of Names
We happily make the Repository open for public visitation. For their protection from hateful eyes and acid rain, name lists are sealed in argon gas behind specially formulated glass plates. Please do not touch the computer screen or flick pebbles. Refrain from issuing loud sounds, as some of the names are sonically unstable. We preciously hope you enjoy browsing these lists whilst contemplating the untold hours that passionate namists have invested in name-divination, deliriously dancing the muses of mischief, answering in beer-burps the imperative to create. Name-jive began as art-for-jollies'-sake. An official internet Name Repository was hardly imagined by the name-banger in 1978!


The Field Marshal Fibes Collection (PBMNR inceptive)
The Admiral Benbow Exhibit
The Mr. Entman Figma Catalog

nombres y apodos * Namen und Spitznamen * ονόματα και παρωνύμια * nomi e nicknames * 名前及びニックネーム * noms et surnoms * имена и прозвища * 름과 별칭이 * nomen quod cognomens * ames-nay and ognomens-cay * nombres y apodos