The Journal of Provincial Thought
jptArchives Issue 17
lildiamond1-Iss17-Admonishmentsluminancelildiamond2-Iss17-Admonishments Pigasus- Cogito ergo nix iss17- c2007 Schafer-Admonishments
Fondlegod by Fartch Bombastric Fondlegod
Admonishment #283. Greet the "News" in Newsletters with an Air of Incredulity
Key terms: illusion, political, brainwash, mush, half-truth (lie by omission), spin (lie by distortion), agenda, hypocritical, unethical, The Matrix, screwing with people's lives, arrogance, elitism, Photoshopped versions of reality, presumed entitlement to invent facts (plain old lie), rip decency to shreds
F.B. Fondlegod knows the actual facts, because F.B. travels to the heart of events and issues where and when they unfold. He sees and hears and he understands, neither requiring nor welcoming the superimposition of an accepted or prevailing point of view sanctioned by self-interested mind-meddlers. Regarded as something of a "joiner," veteran of countless clubs, associations and organizations both lay and professional, I am no stranger to the bullsh*t promulgated in newsletters, which invariably seek to conform one's perspective. I fall amazed in the abusive grip of their hyperbolic assertions, shamelessly unfounded assumptions and overgeneralizations, and bizarre presumptions against my capacity for individual critical thought. To pass for news is the aim of endless rivers of subjective prattle and artificially buoyant, opinionated drivel. I must say, I have told off more newsletter editors in my day, and driven more out of the game entirely, than there are nibblefish teeming in the unspoiled glacial lakes of some earth-like world. It matters not whether the crap-purveyor is twelve or ninety years of age; cross me and there will be spleen. There is a struggle for media accountability in this society, and that accountability cannot take root and flourish where some self-ordained guru of specialized information and cheerleading sits pumping out tank after noxious tank of bogus groupthink couched in cliché-raddled banter. Joiner, I, perhaps, but I am no colony's drone. Unless I can think for myself I will not think at all.

Let no one kid himself that "My newsletter won't be like that. My newsletter will be cogent and salient and intelligently respectful of individuality, and will in fact be wholly unobjectionable." That's not the way the world works. It isn't how human beings are wired. Start a newsletter and you will render ludicrous another small bit of our endangered reality. Your newsletter will be shoveling plastigoop at a targeted group from day one. You will be lying about all the vital interests your newsletter purports to serve in spectacular fashion. You will be touting dubious "advantages of membership/subscription." You will be boasting as "tips" lists of dead-obvious how-tos, including "how to get the most out of your membership." And there's more than a good chance you'll be exhorting sluggish members/subscribers to "get involved—after all, it's your old ladies club/newsletter/nudist camp/prayer group/witch coven/extremists militia/[etcetera]."

Ah, but 'nuff spake. See there; uncommon passion has almost given me to ramble.

—Fondlegod has opined.
jptARCHIVE Issue 17
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