jptArchive Iss 12
lil diamond 1 iss12 Talkriteluminancelil diamond 2 iss12Talkrite Pigasus, JPT flying pig Iss 12, c 2008 Schafer -Talkrite
HEY!!! Before settling in for a steamy slice of Indiana murder-life, think about your gee-whiz speech defect. You know you got it. Now even the most grotesque impediments will be wiped away like Bikini Atoll prairie puppies. What does it take? Just faith and money and the will to work a miracle!
Up Jumped the Devil
arrow to Up Jumped the Devil
visually impaired: get someone to read it to you. Talkrite 12.
When people laugh, make sure it isn't at you.
Note: gadgets colorized here for advertising appeal. Yours may have no color when you get them out of the box. This is perfectly natural, and many customers even find it entertaining.
To the Devilon to Up Jumped the Devil
jptArchive Iss 12
Copyright 2009- WJ Schafer & WC Smith - All Rights Reserved