jptArchive Iss 12
lil diamond 1 iss12 Styleluminancelil diamond 2 iss12Style
Pigasus, JPT flying pig Iss 12, c 2008 Schafer - Style
From his anthology The Bull Calf And Other Tales, cartoonist/painter A.B. Frost gives us a titter at a young artist who learns the hard way about expert advice.
Style- Pippy asks expert to assess painting
crumpled tube of paint
Pippy happily painting
greeting great painter Mr. Slinger at the door
Slinger views painting, mulling intently
Slinger calls for brush & palette
Pippy watches, doubtful of Slinger's color choice point to p. 2 of STYLE to STYLE page 2
jptArchive Iss 12
Copyright 2009- WJ Schafer & WC Smith - All Rights Reserved
The Journal of Provincial Thought